Morning Schedule:
04:10 to 05:30am - Daily Morning Satsang by Pujya Maharaj Ji
05:30 to 06:30am - Mangla Aarti of Shri Ji & Van Vihar
06:30 to 08:15am - Hit Chaurasi ji (Mon, Wed, Thu, Sat, Sun) & Radha Sudhanidhi ji (Tue, Fri) Path
08:15 to 09:15am - Shringaar Aarti of Shri Ji, Bhakt-Namavali, Radha Naam Sankirtan
Afternoon Schedule:
04:00 to 04:15pm - Dhup Aarti
04:15 to 05:35pm - Daily Evening Vaanipath
05:35 to 06:00pm - Bhakt Charitra
06:00 to 06:15pm - Sandhya Aarti

(श्री सेवक वाणी - 2.3)
Maharaj Ji sees no differentiation of caste or creed or regionality, wise or dumb etc. in the love of ShyamaShyam, and treat everyone equally-eligible to attain this. He believes that once imbibed with Nikunj Ras, there will not be any place and consideration for these lowly differentiations. Thus, he sings the fame and glory of his dearest Priya ju in his satsang. And people take this as a great opportunity to attain association of Rasik saints and hence realize the nectar flowing in eternal Vrindavan.

(श्री सेवक वाणी - 1.11)
Pujya Maharaj Ji, bestows his precious time to interact and advise the people who seek his help to resolve any problem or obstacle to lead in spiritual path. Very lovingly he explains the solutions and ideologies behind, differently to everyone according to their level and interest, such that it is inferred easily and evenly to every type of people.

(श्री सेवक वाणी - 1.11)
This channel publishes the videos that focuses on a lot of questions, doubts, inquests which arise intrinsically in the life of a devotee, a seeker for The Eternal, while walking on the Spiritual Path, the "Bhajan Marg". Answers to such questions, advices to such confusions, guidance to such pursuit are precisely and easily presented by His Holiness Vrindavan Rasik Saint Sri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Dham Vrindavan, in Satsangs and one-to-one conversations (Ekantik Vartalap), which broadens the pavement of the path towards the divine realization of PriyaPriyatam, providing the necessary foundation from shashtras for day-to-day life.

(श्री सेवक वाणी - 4.18)
Shri ShyamaShyam stays near to Harivansh Naam and Vaani (scriptures). Shri Harivansh Naam and Vaani bestow amiable, dulcet and exuberant love of ShyamaShyam. Hence whenever ShyamaShyam hears it from the devotees, they easily get captivated and very pleased. Wherever Shri Harivansh Naam and Vaani is studied or sung or explained, Shri ShyamaShyam always stays present there. This is why whenever Naam and Vaani are sung or heard, it seems very delightful, pleasant and sweet.

(श्री सेवक वाणी - 1.11)
This channel publishes the videos that focuses on a lot of questions, doubts, inquests which arise intrinsically in the life of a devotee, a seeker for The Eternal, while walking on the Spiritual Path, the "Bhajan Marg". Answers to such questions, advices to such confusions, guidance to such pursuit are precisely and easily presented by His Holiness Vrindavan Rasik Saint Sri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj, Shri Dham Vrindavan, in Satsangs and one-to-one conversations (Ekantik Vartalap), which broadens the pavement of the path towards the divine realization of PriyaPriyatam, providing the necessary foundation from shashtras for day-to-day life.

According to Maharaj Ji, everyone on the face of this earth is equally-eligible to dive and submerge themselves in the eternal blissful and mellifluent love in the form of PriyaLal's rare pastimes, flowing in Shri Vrindavan Dham. So as a helping hand, Maharajji's all the lectures, feelings and advice are translated to English, by his disciple, for the interested persons to whom English understanding is easy and palpable.

The eternal blissful and mellifluent love in the form of PriyaLal's rare pastimes, flowing in Shri Vrindavan Dham. It removes every stain from the heart and fills with the love of PriyaLal. Read More

Taking shelter of Vrindavan Dham directly i.e. residing in Vrindavan OR indirectly i.e. mentally taking shelter of Vrindavan is the assured method to attain the divine love of Shri PriyaPriyatam. Read More

Our Upasana is to be completely absorbed in gratifying, serving, loving, adoring and watching our beloved ShyamaShyam with Tat-Sukh Bhav and the essence is Radha Charan Pradhan. Read More